The effects of the cold weather can cause an array of problems for your vehicle in the winter. Use the guide below to learn some common troubles your vehicle may face during the winter months.
Battery Failure
Colder weather can put a strain on your vehicle’s battery as it makes the battery more difficult to turn over, reducing the amount of power it therefore generates. Dead or dying batteries are one of the biggest issues in the winter months. We recommend having your battery tested before the colder months as it would be less expensive than being towed.
Frozen wipers
Icy conditions can cause windshield wipers to freeze to the glass and some blades can get torn when turned on. As well as the blades this can cause damaged to the wiper assembly. Before heading on your journey make sure to clear any ice or snow from the windscreen. For the winter months we would recommend always keeping de-icer in your vehicle.
Low tyre pressure
Temperatures changing can cause tyre pressure to drop, this increases fuel consumption and impacts the overall handling of the vehicle on the road. It is important to check the tyre pressure regularly or consider snow tyres for your vehicle.
Car Fluids
Fluids in the vehicle can get thicker in colder temperatures, causing it to work less effectively. Starting the vehicle 5 minutes before starting your journey will help reduce this risk. You should remain in the vehicle throughout this period.
In the winter months it is more important to take care of your car as you are more likely to occur common problems. Having a basic maintenance routine will lessen your chance of any major issues.